The Social Media Sharks

Where social media reigns supreme


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Here at The Social Media Sharks we will be attempting to dissect and understand social media, in an arena that is constantly evolving and shifting regularly and irregularly. And if we’re lucky the SMS might even form projections concerning social media.

The SMS will be considering the historical and current social media bureaucracies, and new social media outlets with special attention paid to: Big Media and Big Business, the little guy, ethics, and trends amongst countless other elements in our applications and analyses. It can get jumbled; it can get messy; it can get complex–after all, social media is a beast (not to be taken negatively). We’re here to help.

Shark versus Media. Who will win?

The Social Media Sharks can be reached at

Written by socialmediashark

March 28, 2010 at 8:42 pm

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