The Social Media Sharks

Where social media reigns supreme

Twitter: Retweeting is Retreating

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Via @Twitter, the Social Media Sharks recently called upon two well known social media sharks so to speak, namely: Jay Rosen and Dan Gillmor. Jay Rosen, journalism savant and “press” critic, was quick to Tweet back. He also runs a weblog called PressThink and is an associate professor of journalism at New York University. When Rosen speaks, you listen. Here’s the conversation:

@jayrosen_nyu & @DanGillmor: Do you think freq “retweeting” of others materials is beneficial or detrimental to your own Twittering & name?

I almost never retweet without rewriting the post, @soc_med_shark. I only use the RT button to say: “I wouldn’t dream of commenting on…”

Our question was simple, but Rosen’s Tweet contains valuable information:

1. Be Yourself. The Net is a platform for increased collaboration, but what’s more you need to be an individual of the community. Be distinct; be unique; be memorable; be productive… Just don’t be a troll. Twitter is a great tool to join the conversation. Just be aware of how you participate.

2. Don’t regurgitate. Regurgitating information from other sources may increase circulation but it’s also likely to result in an impassé in the conversation. Thanks to the Internet, gurus and neophytes alike can inform, express and lend a hand—don’t waste it by saying what “that guy” said.

3. You’re the director. The Internet is not McDonald’s—sorry Ray Kroc. There are no pesky managers; there are no standard procedures; there is [in this context] no censorship. You have final cut as to what the audience views with your name on it. Post and participate as you see fit.

4. Authentic value is paramount. The three previous points are ingredients in the recipe to create authentic value. In brief, here’s a simple formula to create authentic value: (a) view information, (b) digest that information, and (c) provide social commentary. Social commentary, regardless of medium, is a craft. Whether it is a personal blog or YouTube video, create a unique perspective. You can validate, challenge or qualify prior discussions—point is it can be and do anything. This is something to always keep in mind.

Umair Haque, business and media expert, has a blog at the Harvard Business Review. In a recent post, From Business Models to “Betterness” Models Haque writes, “Betterness, in contrast, means: 21st century companies exist to make people, communities, and society as better off as possible. They’re not just here to make money, but to make meaningful money.”

@umairh shares some thoughtful and valuable material. The strive for “betterness” attitude is applicable to the Internet. Adopt this attitude and you’re on your way.

Oh and @DanGillmor, we’re waiting anxiously for your Tweet.

Written by socialmediashark

May 13, 2010 at 3:06 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Social Media Shark. Social Media Shark said: Twitter: Retweeting is Retreating. Props to @jayrosen_nyu […]

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